Strunk & White: Narrative paragraph

1. Topic: Roblox.

A. Topic Sentence: Whenever his gametime rolls around, Easley plays Roblox.

B. The Expansion: Chronological Order
1. Easley logs on to Roblox and goes in an obby.
2. Easley fails the obby.
3. Easley gets frustrated.
4. Easley plays another obby.
5. Easley fails the other obby.
6. Easley gets really frustrated.
7. Easley plays a final obby.
8. Easley wins the final obby.
9. Easley parties.
10. Easley falls asleep.

Whenever his gametime rolls around, Easley plays Roblox. One day, he tries an obby and fails.

"@##$%%$$#@#%" he shouts, seething with rage.

After a short cool down period, he tries another obby, which he also fails.

"$#$#%$^%$^%&%^$%@$#$^&^&#$%^#@%*()^$@$^%#@#^&&%###$^&&%%$#@@%^**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he howls, his face purple.

After the longest cool down period in the history of cool down periods, he tries a final obby.
He wins it!


He then parties till he falls asleep.


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