Schoolwork: Nations Project
From “Social Studies Fact Cards: California Indians”
- Ate fish, deer, and other animals
- Built fish weirs (dams) out of posts and willow sticks stuck in the river bottom
- Caught salmon and sturgeon in weirs and smaller fish in nets
- Also gathered mussels
- Fished in the Sacramento River
- Some fishing places private
- Men hunted deer, elk, antelope and the brown bear
- When hunting deer, one man would wear a deer head to get closer to the deer
- Birds like ducks and geese would be caught in nets
- Small animals like turtles were also eaten
- Meat was either roasted or dried for storage
- Dried salmon or deer meat was ground into a flour
- Families owned seed tracts, places where they could gather seeds
- Seeds were dried and ground into meal
- Acorns were a very important food
- Acorns were made into mush
- Used rafts and floated children and supplies across rivers in large baskets
- Also used tule balsa boats that exceeded 20 feet in length
- Called the Sacramento River Bohema-Mem (Great-Water)
- River was the heart of the Wintun
- River was essential to interacting with other nations
- The hand game was played by holding marked sticks behind your back and guessing the location of each stick. It was used for gambling
- Shinny was a sport similar to lacrosse
- Men and women both played shinny, but they had different rules
- Girls often played with dolls
Native Americans gave men and women equal amounts of work, and respected transgender people, as they could see the world from two views. This suggests that although there were some gender roles, they might have been fairer than our society today.
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