my homework: time machine
Prompt: Pretend your Grandpa has told you not to use his time machine, but you did. Write about what terrible things might happen to your world!
Version 1
If I use my grandpa's time machine there could be a timeapocalypse with time sharks and a timequake . There would be vikings walking down the street. There would be teepees in the park. And there would be pyramids in the sandbox.
Version 2
If I use my grandpa's time machine, there could be a timeapocalypse with time sharks and a timequake. There would be vikings walking down the street. There would be teepees in the park. And there would be pyramids in the sandbox.
Version 1
If I use my grandpa's time machine there could be a timeapocalypse with time sharks and a timequake . There would be vikings walking down the street. There would be teepees in the park. And there would be pyramids in the sandbox.
Version 2
If I use my grandpa's time machine, there could be a timeapocalypse with time sharks and a timequake. There would be vikings walking down the street. There would be teepees in the park. And there would be pyramids in the sandbox.
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